Misinformation vs Disinformation

The Defenition of Misinformation and Disinformation.

The definition of misinformation is false or inaccurate information, shared with no intent to deceive.
The definition of disinformation is false information that is spread with the sole perpouse of harming or

What is the difference?

The difference between misinformation and disinformation is that misinformation is not being spread with
the intent to deceive or harm while disinformation is being spread with the intent to deceive or harm.

How are these a problem for social media users?

Misinformation is a problem for social media users because they could be trusting the information
that even though not on purpose, is false. Disinformation is a problem because it is perpousely false
information made for the end goal of causing harm by convincing people of something untrue.

How are they being spread on social media?

These are being spread on social media on sites like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and even places like Discord.

How is AI involved with the spread?

AI is involved with the spread because of things like bots. Bots can mass produce fake accounts
and on those accounts they can spam/spread missinformation or disinformation.

How is video and audio part of the problem?

People are more likely to beleive fake news in video/audio format compared to text. Also, people are
more likely to spread information that is in a video/audio format than information in a text format.

Who is spreading Misinformation and Disinformation and why?

People spreading misinformation and disinformation can be one of three main people. The first
person would be an uneducated person who came by and beleived misinformation or disinformation.
The second person would be someone like a polotician trying to cause harm and deceive people so
they side with the polotician. The third person would be a troll who is not really trying to cause
harm but they still want to misinform people for whatever reason.

How is fake news related to Misinformation and Disinformation?

Fake news, misinformation, and disinformation are very similar. Similar to misinformation and
disinformation fake news is false information that is spread, but the difference is that you dont
know if the incorrect information is being accidentally or perpously spread.

Why do people fall for it?

Peope fall for it for different reasons. If its more on the disinformation side used by political powers,
people would beleive it because they follow the party or person that made or is spreading the message. If people
believe misinformation, it could be because they are uneducated or someone they know told them some misinformation
and then they saw a statement that reinforced what their friend said. Even though misinformation is not on perpouse,
it could be as dangerous and bad as disinformation.